Individuals and families

  • Understand priority health issues, and talk about them with your family and friends
  • Educate and take action on priority health issues at schools, places of worship, work, and in your community to support recommendations in the Plan
  • Volunteer for organizations in your community that address priority areas in this Plan
  • Learn about the impact of institutional racism on health

Community, nonprofit, and faith-based organizations

  • Understand priority health issues, and promote them among your community members and with your stakeholders
  • Talk about the importance of wellness with community members, and connect them with resources
  • Align activities and efforts with the recommendations and priorities in the Plan
  • Advocate for health improvement with policy makers and elected officials

State and local government

  • Understand priority issues, and make them a priority in planning efforts
  • Identify barriers to health in your community, and make plans to eliminate those barriers
  • Invest in programs, services, environmental changes, and policy changes that will support health improvement in your community

Businesses and employers

  • Understand priority health issues and how recommendations apply to your workforce
  • Make adaptations in your workplace environment and policies, and update your benefits policies to align with health recommendations
  • Educate your management team and employees about the connections between health and productivity
  • Negotiate with benefit providers to offer additional services that improve outcomes associated with priority health areas

Healthcare Systems

  • Incorporate recommendations into your strategic planning
  • Plan for non-profit hospital community benefit initiatives
  • Align your Community Health Needs Assessment efforts with the Community Health Assessment/Community Health Improvement Plan efforts of your local health district
  • Lead your organization and the healthcare community in responding to needs in your community
  • Explore ways your institution can improve access, cultural competency, and cultural humility

Healthcare Professionals

  • Identify important health issues and racial/ethnic/cultural barriers that exist for your patients and use recommend practices to make changes
  • Share the information in this plan with your coworkers
  • Lead your colleagues in advocating for actions that will improve your community’s health
  • Explore ways you can improve access, cultural competence, and cultural humility

Educational Institutions

  • Understand and promote priority health issues in this Plan and incorporate them as lessons in health, science, social studies, and other subjects, or when designing research studies or services projects
  • Create opportunities for action at schools to support the strategies identified in this plan that affect students, faculty, staff, and parents
  • Work with state and local partners to develop meaningful student engagement opportunities to better understand and address the priority issues identified in this Plan

Thank you to the Massachusetts and Connecticut Department of Health for the template and inspiration for this page